GreenThumb Lawn Mowing


A lawnmower mowing grass, cutting grass

Ultimately, good mowing techniques contribute to a lush, green lawn that enhances the overall aesthetic and health of your outdoor space. 

Mowing your lawn correctly promotes healthy growth by ensuring that grass is cut to an even height, which encourages a robust root system and enhances the lawn's ability to withstand drought and resist pests. 

Additionally, mowing grass stimulates its growth.  One of the most important things a grass plant can do is photosynthesis — that is, pulling in carbon from the air, energy from the sun, and water from the earth to grow roots and blades of grass.  When you cut off the tips of the grass plants, they are stimulated to grow more. The result is a thicker lawn with better roots, which crowds out weeds.  

  • Mow at the Right Height

    Set your mower blade to the recommended height for your grass type. We recommend not less than 25mm (1”). This should be increased to at least 50mm (2”) during dry spells.

  • Keep Blades Sharp

    Ensure your mower blades are sharp to make clean cuts. Dull blades tear the grass, causing damage and increasing susceptibility to disease.

  • mowing your lawn, cutting grass

    Mow Regularly

    Maintain a consistent mowing schedule. Regular mowing helps keep the grass at an optimal height, promotes even growth, and prevents the lawn from becoming too tall and difficult to manage

  • Webb Garden Lawnmower

    Follow the One-Quarter Rule

    Never remove more than one-quarter of the grass blade length in a single mowing. Cutting too much at once can shock the grass and weaken it.

  • Mow When Dry

    Try to mow when the grass is dry. Wet grass can clog the mower, and the uneven cuts can lead to an unhealthy lawn

  • cutting grass

    Vary Mowing Pattern

    Change your mowing pattern each time you mow to prevent soil compaction and ensure even grass growth. This also helps avoid creating ruts in the lawn.

By following these proper mowing techniques, you can enhance the health, appearance, and longevity of your lawn.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do with the clippings if I choose to bag them? 

Bagged grass clippings can be composted or used as mulch in your garden beds. Alternatively, they can be disposed of in green waste bins or taken to a composting facility.

How do I know if my mower blade needs sharpening? 

Dull mower blades can tear the grass rather than cutting it cleanly. Signs that your mower blade needs sharpening include ragged grass tips, uneven cuts, and an overall dull appearance of the lawn after mowing.

What's the best time of day to mow my lawn? 

Mowing during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon, is ideal. Avoid mowing during the hottest hours to prevent stress on the grass.

 Can I mow over leaves and debris on my lawn? 

It'sgenerally best to remove larger debris like branches before mowing.