GreenThumb Mowing

A lawnmower mowing grass

This is the most important practice for maintaining your lawn. Correct mowing can make a huge difference to its health and how good it looks.

Mowing Tips:

  • Cutting the grass very short can have a negative impact as it will weaken the grass plant and encourage lawn disease, weeds and moss. Lawn grasses are not the same as ones found on the golf or bowling green
  • Don’t cut your lawn too short - not less than 25mm (1”). This should be increased to at least 50mm (2”) during dry spells
  • Remove grass clippings as they contribute to surface thatch if left on the lawn, which, in turn encourages moss
  • Always sharpen or replace your lawn mower’s blade regularly so it doesn’t tear the grass blade
  • Clean and remove grass from the underside of the mower after use
  • Never remove more than one third of the total height of the grass in any one cut
  • As a general rule set the mower blades high as you enter a dry period and lower as you come out of one
  • In a warm winter perhaps on a windy day, mowing the lawn will reap benefits in the spring, preventing the grass being too long for the first cut of the year.

Does GreenThumb have a treatment which improves the lawn and reduces mowing? Yes it's called SlowMow.